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OMG Scalp Treatment 髮肌護理 護髮素 (230ml) - Recycled Bottle 環保裝

OMG Scalp Treatment 髮肌護理 護髮素 (230ml) - Recycled Bottle 環保裝

OMG HAIRCARE - Your Hair is Your Crown
SCALP deep cleanses and restores scalp’s water-oil balance. Strengthens hair follicles with ginseng root extract and sodium hyaluronate.

Energise and uplift with: 15+ botanical extracts and essential oils

Free shipping with purchase over HK$800 (excl Bulk Items & Flower Delivery) on order

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SCALP 髮肌護理系列 - 清潔及改善頭部皮膚水油平衡狀況,幫助健康頭髮生長。
深層清潔及滋養頭部皮膚,達致水油平衡,以人參根萃取及當藥精華和透明質酸納鞏固毛囊細胞和頭髮結構。再加上OMG的皇牌抗衰老修復成分 - 摩洛哥堅果植物幹細胞、膠原蛋白和透明質酸,效果更為顯著。

- 髮肌緊繃不適
- 頭皮敏感痕癢、毛囊阻塞
- 皮屑問題

- 深層潔淨
- 舒緩髮肌
- 健康髮肌及毛囊

每次洗髮都從內到外,由髮根到髮尾,以一系列的高效成分, 替每根髮絲全方位修護,重塑受損頭髮纖維:
摩洛哥堅果植物幹細胞 • 膠原蛋白 • 透明質酸

  • 摩洛哥堅果植物幹細胞

  • 水溶性膠原蛋白

  • 透明質酸

OMG洗護髮系列中,每瓶注滿經高科技提煉,擁有強效抗衰老特性,來自摩洛哥當地堪稱「生命之樹」的摩洛哥堅果植物幹細胞。配合一系列的高效滋養成分,能直接撫平及修護受損頭髮纖維,喚醒休眠的頭髮細胞,每次洗髮都由髮根到髮梢,從內到外,替髮絲進行全方位抗衰老保養 。


OMG 洗髮水及護髮素含 90% 天然成分,於日本製造並與獲 Ecocert 認證的研發團隊共同開發。
不含對羥基苯甲酸酯 (paraben), 聚乙二醇 (PEGs), 鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯 (DEHP) 或鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates)。

SCALP - Deep cleanses the scalp and restores the water-oil balance to maintain the optimal scalp environment and support healthy hair growth.

Choose SCALP if you have the following problems:
- Itchy, irritated, sensitive scalp
- Blocked pores, scalp acne
- Dandruff

Choose SCALP if you want:
- Deep cleansing and detox
- Calm and sooth scalp
- Nourish healthy scalp and hair follicles

Every wash with OMG heals, renews and revitalises every strand of hair from root to tip, with an army of potent ingredients:

Powerful anti-ageing properties that repair and rejuvenate the scalp and hair, and accelerate the skin’s natural renewal process.

Key structural protein for hair regeneration, supports healthy hair follicle structure, adds shine and elasticity.

Vital in supporting and hydrating the scalp, restoring water balance and improving hair’s resilience and volume.

+Sea mineral extracts from British Columbia 
+ Purified spring water from Ookita Valley

OMG shampoos and treatments are made from 90% natural ingredients without parabens, PEGs, DEHP or phthalates. 
Produced in Japan in collaboration with an Ecocert accredited team.

The results of using OMG are visible and instant – bouncy, silky, healthy hair that is awaken, revitalised and stronger. Every strand is nourished and healed as much from the inside as from the root to the tip. Most importantly, you can achieve this in the comfort of your own home. 

It clarifies and makes hair light, bouncy, wispy and energised with the most botanical extracts and essential oils out of the OMG line up, on top of OMG's signature rejuvenating blend of argan plant stem cells, collagen and hyaluronic acid. 

The OMG series contain argan plant stem cells extracted from the “Tree of Life”, as locally known in Morocco. With powerful anti-ageing properties, ingredients are formulated to directly replenish the worn out hair cuticle layer with an army of potent ingredients, such that your hair can be repaired and rejuvenated from its root to its tip.
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